Is it normal to have one breast larger or different from the other? The answer is yes. It is entirely normal for this to happen. After all, the human body is not 100% perfect.
A large part of the female population has a certain degree of breast asymmetry. 85% of women with breast asymmetry have appreciable differences. For the most part they are minimal differences but, up to 30% can lead to differences in the size or shape of the chest. In addition, these differences can increase with weight changes, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.
Note that, according to numerous medical studies, more than 95% of women have breast asymmetry and only about 15% need surgery. The causes for choosing surgery are primarily aesthetic. However, sometimes the difference in breast size is big and can cause self-esteem problems, physical alteration, and even psychological problems. Also, back problems due to breast weight may occur.
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